Many times, we work with other institutions to make sure we are working as efficiently and effectively as possible. This is so we can ensure that you are getting the best service possible. Below are the companies we regularly work with.
Silicon Valley Clean Water treatment plant (SVCW)

SVCW provides wastewater treatment in accordance with the highest technical, environmental, and safety standards. Built in 1980, the SVCW facility enables wastewater to be recycled using state of the art biological treatment. Clean water is available for reuse and the fragile ecosystem of the San Francisco Bay is protected for future generations to enjoy.

LAFCo – San Mateo Local Agency Formation Commission
San Mateo LAFCo is an independent commission with jurisdiction over the boundaries of the 20 cities, 22 independent special districts and many of the 35 County-governed special districts serving San Mateo County.
SBWMA – South Bayside Waste Management Authority

Formed in 1982, the South Bayside Waste Management Authority (RethinkWaste) is a joint powers authority with twelve member agencies (the cities of Belmont, Burlingame, East Palo Alto, Foster City, Menlo Park, Redwood City, San Carlos and San Mateo, the towns of Atherton and Hillsborough, the County of San Mateo and the West Bay Sanitary District) in San Mateo County and is a leader in innovative waste reduction and recycling programs.
Recology – San Mateo County

As of January 1, 2011, Recology San Mateo County (formerly Norcal Waste Systems of San Mateo County), will provide recycling, compost and garbage collection services to all Residential, Multi-Family and Commercial customers that reside within the city limits of the following 12 Member Agencies of Rethink Waste, South Bayside Waste http://www.recologysanmateocounty.comManagement Authority:
* Atherton * Belmont * Burlingame
* East Palo Alto * East Palo Alto * Foster City
* Hillsborough * Menlo Park * Redwood City
* San Carlos * San Mateo * Unincorporated San Mateo
* West Bay Sanitary District

CWEA – California Water Environment Association
The California Water Environment Association is a non-profit education and technical organization for people involved in the wastewater industry. The purpose is to enhance the education and effectiveness of California’s wastewater professionals through training, certification, dissemination of technical information and promotion of sound policies to benefit society through protection and enhancement of the water environment.

Chamber San Mateo County
West Bay Sanitary District is a proud member of the San Mateo County Chamber.