Bayfront Park Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 1761.8
This CIP project is located at the intersection of Marsh Road and Bayfront Expressway at Bedwell Bayfront Park. The work includes the rerouting of three trunk sewer pipelines for the benefit of a future influent pump station, replacing portions of the 30-inch and 36-inch sewer main along Bayfront Expressway at the front of the park entrance, and installing recycled water pipe for future use. The District opened bids on October 18, 2022 and the Board awarded the project on October 26, 2022 to Ranger Pipelines, Inc. in the amount of $3,130,113. Due to delays obtaining permits from Caltrans, the start of construction was pushed to October 2023 during the wet season which made the bypass more expensive and complicated. At the request of Ranger Pipelines, the District agreed to postpone the start of the project to March 2024 with the anticipated completion in September 2024.