Notice of Proposed Sewer Service Charge Rate Increase Published 2020-03-12

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the District Board of West Bay Sanitary District will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. The hearing will be held in the District’s Board Room located at 500 Laurel Street, Menlo Park.
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider a proposed increase in sewer services charges for fiscal year 2020/2021. Additional information is available through the District’s website at on the official notice that was mailed to every parcel address that pays District rates.
The annual sewer service charge will increase from $1,177 per single family residence to $1,224 in fiscal year 2020/2021. Approximately 79 homes in the Portola Valley area (located within the On-Site Wastewater Disposal Zone) who pay higher charges for the maintenance of their STEP or Grinder Sewer Collection Systems will increase from $1,497 per single family residence to $1,694 in fiscal year 2020/2021 in order to realign charges with the cost of service, charges for the maintenance of the STEP/Grinder Sewer Collection Systems. Non-residential rates will increase proportionately according to loading characteristics. The increased charges are required to fund needed maintenance and reconstruction to the sewer system and to the Silicon Valley Clean Water regional wastewater treatment plant.
Protests against the proposed rate increase must be submitted in writing by 4:00pm on April 22, 2020, and signed by the property owner, must identify the owner(s) of the property for which the protest is entered, and must include the property address and assessor’s parcel number (APN)